Bat For Lashes - Two Planets

Penyanyi : Bat For Lashes
Album : Two Suns (2009)
Judul Lagu : Two Planets

We are strangers in a strange land
Wanderers in a vast and unknowable universe

Show me moonlight on the sunrise
I've seen so many planets dancing
I've seen too many people hiding

Show me sunset and I won't forget
That I am one of two planets dancing
I am one of two planets dancing

Shallow man
Sign your name
On my Sun

The song of Solomon
Died in the battleground
The song of Solomon
Died in love's battleground

I am full
Shattered by this sailing time
For all your suffering by night
Oh warm, but under bright

And life is so much dark and light
When day cannot exist without a night
And you are not separate from me
I am a heart that's full of life

And to be shared on this night
Feel my hands, feel my life
For the sun and the stars
Of my Mother and my sisters

I know where the form is changing
I know that the stars will follow me
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