WCS PMI Module

WCS provides a performance monitoring module referred to as "Commerce counter group", you can enable this to collect various performance statistics of WCS URL and task command, this module can provide basic performance details like "Average response time" and "Requested Count", this tool is useful if you want to analyze performance of the application in the initial stages of development.

Here are the steps to enable WCS Performance module.

Step 1
Enable WCS Performance module.
Edit WCDE_ENT70\workspace\WC\xml\config\wc-server.xml and ensure enabled="true" for following entry
<component compClassName="com.ibm.commerce.performance.monitor.PerfMonitor"   enable="true" name="PerfMonitor"/>

Step 2
By default Performance module for commerce is disabled, as shown in the screenshot below.

Follow this step to enable the module, select options as shown by the markers in the screen shot below.

you will see following screen after selecting the custom option, now make selections as indicated by markers on the screenshot.

Step 3
Now run the Tivoli performance viewer and collect statistics real time.

After some time you should be able to see the performance stats being plotted real time on the graph.

There are many Performance stats. which are available out of the box, in this blog we explored commerce counter group module, you can enable additional stats. component by selecting addtional modules/components from custom PMI configuration as shown in Step 2.

Additional Reference

WCS Performance Module

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