Tuning WCS Developer Toolkit

In addition to increasing the JVM heap size, you can perform few more tuning to developer toolkit to improve the performance of development tookit.

Refer to my previous blog on tuning the developer toolkit JVM heap Size.

Tuning Apache Derby Database

Derby is a filesystem based database, there are few minor configuration changes that can be
performed on the toolkit Derby properties to improve overall performance of the Commerce Developer Toolkit.

The file is located in following location for WCS V7

With this Derby will be able to access data from cache instead of filesystem, this will reduce overall I/O as data will be read from the cache.

Set derby.storage.pageCacheSize = 10000
Set derby.storage.pageSize = 8192

Refer to following link for Apache Derby tuning


Enabling Distributed Cache

Enable distrubutemap cache for OOB objects, this will improve the performance by caching OOB data and avoiding DB roundtrips.

Copy WCDE_ENT70\samples\dynacache\cacheinstances.properties to

Refer following link for the list of OOB Distributed Cache Map.

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