Disable WCS SOLR search features

The steps may vary based on how far you are with your configuration, I wish there was a simpler global setting to enable / disable this feature.

Step 1: Disable "store-enhancements" Feature

Replace /apps/websphere/wcs70 with WCS home directory
Replace -DinstanceName with your WCS instance name
Replace -DdbUserPassword with db passoword used by WCS instance

Here is a sample command

/apps/websphere/wcs70/bin/config_ant.sh -buildfile /apps/websphere/wcs70/components/common/xml/disableFeature.xml -DinstanceName=guest -DfeatureName=store-enhancements -DdbUserPassword=wcs7lab01

When you run the script to disable SOLR search it won't rollback WAS level profile changes, essentially the script will only rollback WCS EAR file and database changes.

Step 2: Delete SOLR WAS Profile

To delete WAS profile we need to follow couple of manual steps, if we don't delete SOLR profile any future re-enablement of search feature will report "SOLR profile already exists" error.

-- Delete profile
/apps/websphere/ws70/bin/manageprofiles.sh -delete -profileName guest_solr

-- Update Registry
/apps/websphere/ws70/bin/manageprofiles.sh -validateAndUpdateRegistry

-- Manually delete the solr profiles folder, E.g.
rm -rf /apps/websphere/ws70/profiles/guest_solr


Step 3: Database Tweaks

Let us assume you don't want to re-run the disablement script, instead want to do few DB tweaks to toggle back and forth between SOLR and non - SOLR based features

select * from EMSPOT where name like '%search%'
and storeent_id in (select storeent_id from storeent where identifier='AuroraStorefrontAssetStore')

You should notice a record with usagetype as "STOREFEATURE" for your store id, if this is the case delete this record
NOTE: Usually this is enabled for the Store asset store

select * from SEOURLKEYWORD where storeent_id in (select storeent_id from storeent where identifier='AuroraStorefrontAssetStore')
Mark all records as inactive by setting status column value as 0

NOTE: Usually this is enabled for the Store asset store As of V7, FEP5 there is no way to enable / disable SOLR from wc-server.xml

Step 4: Re-enable SOLR

use these steps if you ever want to re-enable SOLR alone and assuming the store enhancements feature is already enabled in WCS EAR and WCS DB.

This command can be run both in WCS box or any remote box to setup SOLR WAS profile.
Here is a sample.

/apps/websphere/wcs70/bin/./config_ant.sh -debug -buildfile /apps/websphere/wcs70/components/foundation/subcomponents/search/deploy/deploySearch.xml -DinstanceName=guest -DdbUserPassword=wcs7lab01 -DsolrHome=/apps/websphere/wcs70/instances/guest/search/solr/home -DautoConfigSearchWebserver=true -DisShareWCWebserverProduct=true > /apps/websphere/wcs70/instances/guest/logs/only_search_enable.log

Further Reading

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